Shellscript Notes
Useful shellscript snippets
Commonly used
# Check if variable contains mystring
if [[ $var == *mystring* ]]; then # The double closed brackets are essential for wildcard match
echo "it does";
# Split on ":" and get 1st
echo "docker-image:0.1" | cut -d ":" -f1 # returns docker-image
# Find and replace all via pipe
echo "Hello I'm Dom" | sed 's/Dom/<void>/g' # "/" could be any char
# Redirect stdout and stderr to the void
./ >/dev/null 2>&1
# Read top lines of file
head -n 3 myfile
# Read bottom lines of file
tail -n 3 myfile
# Watch all updates to file
tail -f myfile
# Read file in window (not cat)
less myfile
# Make all directories if not exist
mkdir -p exist/not/dir
# Visualise dir structure
tree -L 2
# Remove env variable
unset myvar
# Alias command to short one
alias lc="ls -laht" # unalias to remove
# Piping output
echo "overwrite" > file # Same as 1>
echo "append" >> file
# See disk space usage (human readable)
df -h
# See file usage for dirs
du (--max-depth=2)
# Show running processes, a: show other user, u: show username, x: show non terminal
ps -aux
# Show usage
# Use command output as if it's file
diff <(grep string file1) <(grep string file2)
# Repeat last 3 command
# Repeat last arg of the last command
# Take all args from previous and use
# Secure input
read -s -p "Password: " password
# Default value
read -p "Address []: " ADDR
# Get value from object within array within object
jq -rec ".parent.children | .[] | .name" # raw:no quotes, e:null exit0, compact
# Get object attr and value and format "Key=$attr,Value=$val"
jq -r '.data | keys[] as $k | "Key=\($k),Value=\(.[$k])"'
# Use output in for loop
for object in $(echo "${JSON}" | jq -rec ".entries[] | .whole | @base64"); do
echo "This is the value: $(echo ${val} | base64 -d | jq .attribute)"
# Args
curl localhost:8500/v1/catalog/nodes | \
jq \
--arg ip $(./ \
'.[] | select(.Address==$ip)'
# Output mulitple entries in list
jq -rec '[.importItems[].itemId]'
# Create object
jq -rec '{} +{ Items:[.importItems[].itemId]}'
# Exit script if commands return nonzero
set -e
# Output command as they run (debug)
set -x