Setting up a Hugo Blog


Hugo is a Go based, static site generator. It has some impressive benchmarking figures, a huge catalog of impressive themes and means I don’t have to write HTML.

I’m setting this up with the follow configuratons

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Hugo 0.32
Go 1.9.4

Installing Hugo

sudo apt-get install hugo

Check it’s installed correctly:
hugo version

Creating your site

Basic setup

To generate your base site:
hugo new site my-blog

This will create a folder, my-blog, in your current directory

The folder structure will be:

+--archetypes/     Templates for content files  
+--content/        Where content for your site goes  
+--data/           Config files for generating your site  
+--layouts/        Html templates for content views  
+--static/         All static content for site goes here  
config.toml        General site properties like: theme, title  

Setup your site as a git repo:
git init

Using a theme

Pick a theme you want to use from here

As themes are stored as git repos, the best way to use one is a submodule
git submodule add {THEME-REPO} themes/{THEME-NAME}

Once the submodule has been added, add this line to your config.toml:
theme = "{THEME-NAME}"

To see what your theme looks like, run the Hugo server:
hugo server

Your empty site should be availbale at:

Adding content

To create a new post for your site:
hugo new post/

By default (because of the archetypes/ your post file will look like this:

title: "Hello World"  
date: 2018-04-06T11:03:53+01:00  
draft: true  

To see your page, you need to run the server with drafts enabled:
hugo server -D

Overriding themes

You might want to change how a theme renders something. To do this, it’s easy. Just copy the files you want to change from:
themes/{THEME-NAME}/layouts/ to: layouts/

Then the files in the root layouts folder will override your theme ones